We provide support to current and future CEDA API users. We respond to technical and business queries. If you discover errors in the data, we pass your feedback on to the data originators.
Support / CEDA API
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is an interface used by programmers to communicate with a software. It is usually a set of features, libraries and procedures enabling one-way or two-way exchange of data between two apps.
CEDA map services are based on CEDA data we’ve been producing and updating for 20 year. For the territories of Czechia and Slovakia, our services include a host of extensions that allow to search for parking spaces, navigate handicapped as well as provide interior directions inside buildings.
The source data is not managed by a community of enthusiasts but instead by a stable team of experienced editors. That’s why we guarantee our data to be up-to-date and location accurate.
Yes, the data as well as services as based off an identical geodatabase. Therefore, their location and attribute features are fully compatible.
Yes. We believe you should have a chance to verify if our services provide the anticipated value. Reach out to us and we’ll work out the conditions for trial access. We will need to know what services, what volume and for how long you want to try.